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Author Topic: gravel question
Posts: 2
gravel question
on: December 4, 2012, 11:37

Heard that some ppl are using pea gravel, but I m not sure if I can find it in my area’s shops. I guess i can use something similar to it. What about the size gravel ? Can anyone tell me how big it is supposed to be?

Posts: 1
Re: gravel question
on: December 5, 2012, 03:06

Me too did’nt find pea gravel in my area, the one closest to it I found is the 10mm road drainage gravel that is almost the same with the pea gravel, so I will use it till the time I will finally find the “real pea gravel”

Posts: 2
Re: gravel question
on: December 11, 2012, 17:51

Thank you, for help

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