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Author Topic: My backyard aquaponics system
Posts: 2
My backyard aquaponics system
on: December 12, 2012, 03:41

Hi all

This is my backyard aquaponics system, the system is cycling from short time just one week with 2 tilapia fish only and one cucumber , it is test for the beginning and have setting up to go

The system details 1000 L IBC tank and it is running as flood drain (timer of 1 hour on/off)

Posts: 2
Re: My backyard aquaponics system
on: December 13, 2012, 12:41

WOW you got a great deal for the ibc as I see, you are facing any problem with the system?

Posts: 2
Re: My backyard aquaponics system
on: December 13, 2012, 16:54

Yeah some of the leaves are looking a bit yellow and wilting, you have any idea!

Posts: 2
Re: My backyard aquaponics system
on: December 14, 2012, 11:04

Generally the cucumber frequently lose the first leaves but I think it is early to that to happen, for now try with it spray of Maxicrop or Seasol.

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